Hearts’ Calling At a Glance!

Across India (New Delhi, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh), Africa, and other countries/continents such as Iraq as a part of our 501(c)3.

Orphanage Homes



What we do


Institution Building: Rebuilding

The Hearts Calling Institution Rebuilding Program provides a safe environment for children and families to thrive, learn, and live. By rebuilding or building living facilities and school.
Our initiative involves establishing unique training schools that will not only educate children but also equip them with essential life skills.
The schools will be a haven, adhering to ethical guidelines and ensuring all staff members are trained in providing a nurturing environment. Striving for equal opportunities, we will welcome children from orphanages, slums, and various backgrounds. Beyond education, our schools will focus on preparing children for future employment prospects and fostering self-sufficiency and empowerment.

Sponsorships and Scholarships

We recognize that most orphanages and educational institutions for lower-income children and orphans are not fully equipped with the resources to provide gateways into their countries’ workforce. For this reason, we will sponsor a specific number of children from the orphanages and communities we work with and match them with mentors and good schools for higher education. This will allow us to ensure that their educational needs are met and taken care of until they are adults who can support themselves with jobs.

Parent, Child and Community Partnership

Children living in orphanages are not only children whose parents passed away or left but are often children separated from their families due to hardships such as poverty or a lack of access to education. One way to tackle this is to bring assistance to the community affected by working with their parents or guardians to prevent them from being sent to orphanage institutions or to another means of providing for their needs, such as child marriage or child labour, and in some extreme cases, prostitution.

We aim to tackle this in three forms:
1) Bring Education and Health Care to these areas.
2) Mentorship and coaching.
3) Equipping their guardian with financial literacy and awareness of the positive impact of education on their children.
Through this initiative, we are going to initiate the Education Slum project. Its mission will be to strengthen and improve such lower income communities and the families’ conditions within them. Families and the community are given the skills and awareness needed to prevent them from becoming victims of the things mentioned above, and overall aid them in staying together.

*Something To Consider: Before we recruit families, they need to go through a mentorship program where they will learn how to prevent them from falling into tricks and bribes used to traffic their children and how to support and encourage their children to find a way out through education and career. .


Our mission with this initiative is to address the pressing issue of child trafficking by collaborating with international barriers, local governments, and communities. We are dedicated to teaching, advocating, and raising awareness about the flaws in the orphanage systems that urgently require reform. By exposing these issues, we aim to ignite change and create a better future for vulnerable children. Through these efforts, we aim to promote stringent regulations that ensure their safety, proper care, and access to education. Together, we can dismantle the barriers that perpetuate child trafficking, paving the way for a brighter and more secure future for these children. We also hope to bring awareness to global issues’ status quo and encourage discussion about their impacts through the use of social media.

Other Programs

Hearts' Calling Care
Care Packages

The aim is to share the joys of the holidays (including country-specific holidays) and give the orphans/communities something special to cherish through sending care packages with toys, games, accessories, and American candy or other non-perishable desserts.

Hearts' Calling
Medical Outreach

Our aim with the medical outreach vision is to sponsor and participate in medical missions during our visits to the orphanages/communities, including funding surgeries and assisting local doctors with routine check-ups.

Hearts' Calling
Humanitarian Awareness

Our vision is to also spread the humanitarian affiliation that is affecting our world and create awareness through podcasts, documentaries, and
educational videos. 

About Hearts' Calling

Making self-sufficient communities, families, and individuals through authentic relationships, excellent education, resulting in transformed lives, restored relationships, and changed communities.

At Hearts' Calling, we are committed to:
- Raising awareness about pressing humanitarian issues worldwide.
- Mobilizing individuals and organizations to implement meaningful initiatives that address these challenges.
- Fostering a culture of empathy, generosity, and global solidarity.
- Ensuring that the voices and needs of marginalized communities are heard and met.
- Promoting sustainable and equitable solutions that empower people to live with dignity and realize their full potential.

Hearts' Calling Helping Children

Orphanage we support

Below are the orphanage(s) we currently support
Since 1982: Banglore, India

"A Wholistic Approach to Seva" promoted through Anna Daana (providing meals to care takers of poor patients at Government Hospitals, urban poor, and rural school children), Arogya Daana (providing patients from the poorer sections of society free cardiac care/heart procedure, free eye screening, and provision of artificial limbs), Gyana Daana (providing scholarships of a maximum of 30,000 rupees to students unable to pursue their ambitions of education due to financial constraints), and Prasanna Jyothi (providing a home for destitute girl children and working for their upliftment).


You can contact us via the platforms available below :)


At Hearts' Calling, we’re promoting humanitarian awareness and promoting initiatives to serve the people who need them most. We believe in taking action with urgency to raise public awareness about some of the most pressing issues facing today’s society. Please join us in supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of underprivileged populations and orphans in our world, within India, Africa, and around the world.

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