The Team

Meet the team

Ayathi Gogineni
Ayathi Gogineni

Ayathi, an American South Indian whose family lives in Vijayawada, South India, travels to India every summer. Witnessing thousands of children and homeless individuals on the roads during each visit ignited her determination to help them in any way she could, whether it was by offering them money or sharing the hot food she had recently bought. However, Ayathi wanted to do more. In response to the increased number of orphans in India due to the covid-19 pandemic, Ayathi joined hands with her friend Marie to help these children through these difficult times and provide them with the childhood they deserve. Hearts' Calling became the embodiment of Ayathi's spiritual calling, urging her to take action. Her nonprofit organization became the biggest impact she has made on this world to date. Previously, Ayathi used her passion for community service to volunteer at hospitals and Habitat for Humanity. However, being able to help these children find value and purpose in themselves has been life-altering for her.

Marie-Jose K. Diangana
Marie-Jose K. Diangana

Growing up as the "odd kid out," Marie-Jose faced the challenges of fitting in. Yet, her imagination knew no bounds, painting a world where every child would be free from sickness and never feel the absence of a loving adult. At a tender age, she dreamt of becoming a doctor and creating an orphanage, driven not solely by a desire for motherhood but by a profound calling to make a lasting impact. Through the ups and downs, Marie-Jose's dreams remained steadfast. Her diverse upbringing taught her resilience and shaped her into the compassionate young woman she is today. Now, as the Co-Founder of Hearts' Calling, Marie-Jose is determined to turn her dreams into reality and create a world where every child, teenager, and goal-oriented individual experiences unwavering love, protection, and care.


At Hearts' Calling, we’re promoting humanitarian awareness and promoting initiatives to serve the people who need them most. We believe in taking action with urgency to raise public awareness about some of the most pressing issues facing today’s society. Please join us in supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of underprivileged populations and orphans in our world, within India, Africa, and around the world.

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